Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2016

Living My Life, Dying My Death

بسم الله الواحد القهار

Sheikh Al-Saffaar:

Narrated to us Al-Abbas Ibn Ma’ruf from Hammaad Ibn Isa from Hariz from Abi Hamza Ath-Thumali from Abu Ja’far(عليه السلام) saying: ‘The Messenger of Allah(صلی الله و عليه وآله) said: ‘If someone wants to live my life and die my death and enter the Paradise which my Lord has Promised to me, the Garden of Eden, a branch of which has been implanted by my Lord. He should take Ali and the Imams after him as his Guardians, for they are the Imams of Guidance, Allah has Given them understanding and knowledge, for they are my Progeny from my flesh and my blood. To Allah I complain about their enemies from my community. By Allah, they will kill my son and Allah will not make them avail of my intercession.’

Grading: its chain is Sahih(authentic), its narrators are trustworthy.

Check the narrators in the Rijaal section.

974: Al-Abbas Ibn Ma'ruf Al-Ash'ari
621: Hammad Ibn Isa
450: Hariz Ibn Abdullah As-Sajistani
312: Thabit Ibn Dinaar, Abu Hamza Ath-Thumali

Source: Basahir Ad-Darajaat, Ch. 22 H. 4 Pg. 81

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